Thursday, January 26, 2012

Week Two

Dear Family,
Ok time for some speed typing! HAHAHA
Wow the time is flying here two weeks already!! It doesn't seem like it has been 2 weeks already!! I have learned a ton! And I am loving it! We do the same thing everyday so there isn't really anything that is new or different, just a ton of spiritual experiences between last week and this week that is all I can remember haha!! Well rumor has it that the Prophet and his counselors are coming here for the devotional next week! Cause it is some big anniversary here!! I bet it will be broadcasted some time! Look for me cause I am the anchor in the Choir!! HAHAHAHA I joined so when David Archuleta shows up I can show him a thing or two!!
    Yesterday I taught the entire first lesson in Spanish!! No notes or anything just my Spanish Scriptures and Bible!! And I challenged her to baptism and she said she would prepare to be baptized in 3 weeks!! It was super spiritual and every time I bear my testimony or pray in Spanish my testimony grows and I love It!!! I've been working hard and I can see the blessings! This Gospel Is completely unfair, in the sense that as soon as your obedient to one commandment you are blessed with like 50 more blessings! I guess I shouldn't complain about that though should I? HAHA on Sunday we sang the Mormon Tabernacle rendition of "Called to Serve" with all 3000 of us missionaries!!! It was without doubt the most spiritual experience of my life. I could literally feel the presence of angels and could almost see them I felt!!! It was seriously incredible. I wish there was a way you all could hear IT!!!
  So how is everything going at home? Basketball? I can't remember how all the games went. I think I remember hearing the boys are starting to play basketball? About time.. HAHAHA I'm finally learning how to play basketball here!!  You got a ton of snow??? What the Heck? As soon as I leave??? Wow!!  It has snowed everyday here for the past 3 days but always melts!! lame!! but my district had a pretty killer snowball fight! It was so much fun!!!  How is school and everything going for everyone.. Work? Heard the water tank had so problems!! That stinks!! There are a few kids going to Lubbock Texas next week and I told them to look for Elder Nate Eppich!!! I have lots of good pictures I will send some this week hopefully. Well my time is up! Ill send everyone a hand written letter as well! The Gospel Is true!!! Don't ever Doubt it!!! Love you all!!!

"Bringing to Pass His Work and Glory"
Elder Eppich

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Crazy Week!

Dear Family,
   Wow this has been a crazy week! Everything about the MTC is crazy in a good way of course!! It is a lot better then I could of imagined. From everyone I had heard that the first week is awful and if you can make it through the week then you are set for the rest of your mission! Well I made it! And it wasn't hard at all! It was awesome! My companion Is named Elder Streadbeck, If your curious what he looks like just imagine Sam Bradford but my size and you got his identical twin! HAHAHA we have the same personalities and everything! He is an awesome guy and has a great testimony of the Gospel! We work perfectly together so it is easy to study and teach everyone!! My zone and district is awesome! We are all literally a family. It seems like we have known each other for years and I give credit to the fact that everyone is so full of the Spirit! Everyone is full of LOVE and always want to help you out as much as they can!
    The Spanish is coming along great! Ive already learned more then I did at the High School, no offense Mrs. Olsen ;), Just the fact we have the Lord and Spirit with us we can accomplish things that we never thought were possible! That goes for everything! The first day we got here we learned to Pray in Spanish and then the next day we taught a Lesson in Spanish!! Vacca Santo! (Holy Cow) HAHA It obviously is far from perfect Spanish but our investigator got the message... I Think! HAHA But my Comp and I found a way that really helps to learn Spanish. I would read out loud from the Spanish Book of Mormon then I would go back through and try to translate it to him in English!! I can definitely translate it to the correct meaning! So Sweet!!
  Well I am guessing you are all curious how the food is and what not, Well its awesome! HAHA But my goal is to not gain any weight, so I have a salad with every meal and then have a big bowl of fruit! No POP or Chocolate Milk for me:( But I get to workout every day! I play alot of Basketball, but then my foot started acting up, Mom can you check and see if they offer Cortizone shots here? If not not a big deal i can just stay away from basketball and keep lifting weights. I have lost 2 lbs so far!! Most people have gained about 5 so I think Im doing well!! I Haven't seen David Archuleta yet, haha!
But I have seen everyone else I have been looking for! And pictures! I saw Elder Bleazard, Beus, Knight, Eppich, all the very first day then I couldn't find Elder Whitby anywhere!!!! HAHA Then he ended up finding me in my dorm. We live right next to each other I guess! Haha So each night he comes over and checks on me! HAHA He is loving the MTC as much as I do! The Language is going great for him as well. We can actually understand what each other is saying so that is awesome!
  That is awesome that Kade and Karigan are doing well! What's their records? How's Kade's shoulder and Karigan's hand? How's school and work going for everyone else? I have heard from everyone and that helps a lot! I see Zack Brady about every day so thats way fun, maybe he will get the courage to play me in some basketball. I wish I was as good in High School as I am now! HAHA I can't miss! Seriously It is nuts everyone wants me on their team! Escpecially the Hermanas, but I think it is because Im pretty cute;) HAHA
  My MTC Teacher knows Kaitlan and Kyle Merrill? He hasnt said anything to me about that. hahaha he is seriously one of the coolest guys I know he is 6'7" and the funniest guy ever. he gives us all kinds of updates about the real world and then we help him out with his dating Life haha!! I have learned so much from him!
  I have been lucky cause I feel when it comes to doctrine stuff I am quite a ways ahead of everyone, so who ever is gettine ready to serve, start preparing now becasue you will have so much of an advantage! I havent been homesick yet because there is no time to think about that stuff. lol So as long as I stay focused on positive things then everything goes well!
   If you guys get the chance watch Elder Hollands 2006 Devo at the MTC called "Missions are Forever" it is seriously the best talk I  have ever seen in my whole life! Well I'lll talk to you later! LOVE EVERYONE!!! THIS GOSPEL IS TRUE WITHOUTH A DOUBT.
"Bringing to pass His Work and Glory"
Love, Elder Eppich
MTC playing basketball during PE

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

First Letter from the MTC!

We finally got a letter from Elder Eppich today in the mail! Yay! I was so excited. I wasn't expecting one in the mail. When I saw the return address saying "Elder Eppich" It looked just like Nate's handwriting and I thought, "oh good I got a letter from Nate!" But then I quickly saw the return address and knew is was my baby boy! :) The letter was written on a "Form letter" telling of his branch president and just basic information. It included a space to write a quick note to his family. So here it is..

Dear Family,

Well all is going well! I haven't been homesick yet because there is no time to be! Haha We seriously have no time to do anything but learn the language and the Gospel. The language is going awesome! I've already learned a ton! Teaching wise I feel like I have a good handle on things, so Kade and everyone prepare, read your scriptures and read Preach My Gospel. You will be so much ahead! The food is awesome! I haven't seen Elder Whitby yet!! I've seen everyone else often though! My companion is awesome. His name is Elder Streadbeck from Morgan, UT. He is probably 6'5" and weighs 235-240#! Great guy, pretty athletic. He has a strong testimony and very diligent! I hope we get to serve together down in Argentina cause I think we would have a lot of success! So how is basketball going? Have there been any games yet? How's everything else? Well I love everyone! Thanks for everything! I haven't been able to check email or mail yet, but will soon! My pday is Wednesdays. Love you! Elder Eppich

Headed to the MTC

Monday, January 9, 2012

Kraymer's MTC address

Kraymer enters the MTC in Provo, UT on Wednesday, January 11th at 12:40 p.m. He flies from PSC to SLC early that morning. His friend Tyler (that is leaving on his mission next month and isn't in school right now) is picking him up at the airport then taking him to Provo to meet his hopefully not crying sisters, family and friends. The plan was that Kaitlan and Kortneigh had already said their goodbyes last week and wouldn't put themselves through the torture again. They caved and wanted to see him again. He is all packed and ready to go with lots of time to tease his mother, watch football and leave big messes for me to clean up. He tells me it will make it easier on me to see him go. I doubt it will work. He is happy and excited to enter the world as a missionary. :) It will be sad for sure to see him go but we are happy for his decision to serve the Lord. There are two ways to write Kraymer while he is in the MTC. He will be there 9 weeks learning spanish.
**The first is online through This is a FREE and super fast way. The letters are printed off, sealed in an envelope and delivered the same day that you write him if you do it before noon MST every week day.
Once you are at click on the tab "Write a Letter" at the top of the page. Scroll down to the middle section where it says "Letter Selection" select Provo MTC from the drop-down menu --not the mission he will be serving in after the MTC, then click "Write a Missionary" Kraymer's MTC mailbox is 315, his mission code is ARG-BAW and his Estimated MTC departure date is 0313. Call or text me at 509-318-0796 if you have any questions.
**The second way to write him through USPS:
Elder Kraymer Eppich
MTC Mailbox 315
ARG-BAW 0313
2005 North 900 East
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Called To Serve!

Elder Kraymer Todd Eppich has been called to serve for the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, in the Argentina Buenos Aires West Mission.  He will report to the MTC on January 11th, 2012. He will serve for a period of 24 months. On this blog we will post the letters written home by Kraymer, as well as photos taken while on his Mission. We are so excited for Kraymer & know he will be a great missionary! We love you Kraymer!